Dementia usually develops in people ages 65 years and older. So-called young-onset dementia, occurring in those younger than age 65, is uncommon. Now, a new study published in December 2023 in JAMA Neurology has identified 15 factors linked to a higher risk of young-onset dementia. Let’s see what they found, and — most importantly — […]
The art of a heartfelt apology
If you’ve been stuck mostly at home with one or more family members over the past year, chances are you’ve gotten on one another’s nerves occasionally. When you’re under a lot of stress, it’s not uncommon say something unkind, or even to lash out in anger to someone you care about. And we all make […]
Beyond the usual suspects for healthy resolutions
Early in the new year, promises to reboot your health typically focus on diet, exercise, and weight loss. And by now you may have begun making changes — or at least plans — to reach those goals. But consider going beyond the big three. Below are 10 often-overlooked, simple ideas to step up personal health […]
Why do your prescription drugs cost so much?
I was in line at a pharmacy recently as the customer ahead of me was picking up her prescription. The pharmacist matter-of-factly said: “that’ll be $850.” All she could say was “really?” She left without her prescription, telling the pharmacist she’d have to call her doctor about a less costly alternative. Many of us routinely […]
Icy fingers and toes: Poor circulation or Raynaud’s phenomenon?
If your fingers or toes ever turn pale (or even ghostly white) and go numb when exposed to cold, you might assume you just have poor circulation. That’s what I used to think when I first started noticing this problem with my own hands many years ago. It usually happened near the end of a […]
How well do you score on brain health?
Need another jolt of motivation to shore up a resolution to shed weight, sleep more soundly, boost nutrition or exercise levels, or cut back on alcohol? Then you'll be pleased to learn that any (and all) of these efforts can also add up to better brain health. An international study led by researchers at the […]
Dialectical behavior therapy: What is it and who can it help?
Feeling sad, anxious, or angry at times is a normal part of the human experience. But do you — or someone you’re close to — seem to experience these and similar emotions more quickly, more frequently, and more intensely than most people? This problem, known as emotional dysregulation, is a hallmark of many mental health […]
What is a tongue-tie? What parents need to know
The tongue is secured to the front of the mouth partly by a band of tissue called the lingual frenulum. If the frenulum is short, it can restrict the movement of the tongue. This is commonly called a tongue-tie. Children with a tongue-tie can’t stick their tongue out past their lower lip, or touch their […]